
La Reigada, a stretch of the Via dei Monti between Brugnato and Serò in the Municipality of Zignago, brings with it the discreet charm and mystery of centuries-old journeys marked not only by the sacrifice of men and women who walked this path daily but also by the tragedies of war and the partisan resistance to the Nazi-fascists. “A path made of stone slabs and earth, a path beaten by the footsteps of many people and by the paws of many beasts” (Alberto Righetti, passionate scholar of local history).

Serò is a small village of medieval origin, developed along the Via dei Monti in a strategic position with the parish church of S. Martino next to the little central square. Walking inside the narrow carruggi and deviating from the path for a moment, it is possible to admire faces and portals of fine workmanship made of sandstone.

In Novà, the Stele Statue “Zignago 1” was discovered on 27 December 1827 bearing an inscription in the Etruscan language. It is the first find in chronological order of the numerous historical Lunigiana series, dating back to the Copper and Age, with some modifications made during the Iron Age. The Stele Statue is now in the Ligurian Archeological Museum of Pegli (Genoa). In Novà fossil cereal seeds have also been found testifying to the presence of agricultural activities such as the cultivation of barley, spelt, wheat and millet in particular since ancient times.

Serò - Landscape

Serò - Landscape

Serò - Particular

Serò - Particular

Serò - Church

Serò - Church

Serò - Fountain

Serò - Fountain